Position Description

Headmaster - 2023-2024 and Future Openings
Location GH America
Job Category Academy - School Leadership (Dean, Asst. Headmaster, Headmaster)
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HEADMASTER - 2023-2024 and Future Openings  (Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Florida)

Current Openings for K-12 Headmasters in the following regions:

  • Florida
    • Founding Heads of School (Two Openings); Start Date Fall 2024

A Great Hearts headmaster heroically shapes his or her community for a greater good.  He or she takes on one of the most important leadership positions in our culture, turning a generation of young hearts and minds towards truth, goodness, and beauty.  He or she cultivates a setting from which great-hearted people emerge, a setting that no single individual can create alone, but to which his or her noble calling is essential.  Furthermore, a Great Hearts headmaster joins a family of headmasters across our academies, with all the support, friendship, and strength this fellowship provides.

Candidates will have leadership experience, demonstrable excellence in classroom teaching, and a well-grounded vision for the moral and intellectual formation of the human person.  A Great Hearts headmaster delights to enkindle the love of truth, goodness, and beauty in others.  Candidates should possess a passion for classical education, and a love for their fellow man that is both humble and relentless.  A Great Hearts headmaster is called to establish and nurture a joyful and ennobling academic community.  Candidates should have a proven ability to foster strong, healthy relationships throughout their community. 

At Great Hearts, we believe that rigorous liberal arts education, grounded in the best of the Western tradition and delivered in a tuition-free, public charter setting, is the key to renewing American communities and culture.  Great Hearts operates 43 academies in three metropolitan regions serving over 24,000 students.  We are now embarking on a new phase of expansion in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area (and continuing our growth in San Antonio), as well as new states (Louisiana and Florida) and are looking for a cohort of exceptional school leaders who embrace a classical and liberal philosophy of education.  

All Great Hearts students (K-12) take the same rigorous liberal arts curriculum in Latin, history, literature/composition, music, drama, and art. 

  • All high school students are required to read classic literature and philosophy, including works by Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Twain, Dickens, and Dostoevsky.
  • All students take the same rich and comprehensive science and mathematics curriculum, including biology, chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry, and calculus
  • All students (K-5) take the same rigorous curriculum including Core Knowledge® history and science, traditional phonics, Singapore Mathematics, Foreign Language, Music, and Art.
  • Students are required to wear school uniforms, to profess an honor code, and to participate in a school culture free of electronic distractions.

LEAD the Classical Revolution by applying today!


Classical Ethos, Pathos, and Logos 

The school leader has a demonstrable understanding of and affinity for the classical tradition. In addition, her actions reflect prudence and magnanimity. She is a capable proponent of liberal education and the classical tradition. 

  Leadership Planning and Execution 

The school leader understands how to lead a team and is able to generate and manage systems of school leadership and schoolwide communication. 

Instructional Skill-Building/Instructional Leadership 

The school leader is a capable instructional leader, one who understands a full spectrum of instructional skill-building, from planning to instruction to data/LASW analysis to coaching coaches. 

Building Student Culture/Community Leadership 

The school leader understands and successfully influences the elements of a strong student culture, including recruitment, co-curriculars, student discipline, events, and key messaging moments. The leader has a vision for strong student culture and articulates it clearly and compellingly. 

Building Faculty Culture/People Leadership 

The school leader understands and successfully influences the elements of a strong faculty culture, including hiring, teacher development, and esprit de corps. The leader has a vision for strong faculty culture and articulates it clearly and compellingly. 

Emotional Intelligence 

The school leader is self-aware and self-disciplined, aware of his/her impact on others and able to manage relationships with trust, candor, and love. 


The school leader is able to get the job done. This is true across the many stakeholder groups and areas of school function, including academic results, strong culture, and operational results (KPIs). The leader is successful on a social/interpersonal level, navigating the right path between social and professional functioning. 


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