Specialist, Cost Accounting (Revenue Analysis)
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- 12 months length of service in current position
- No 'active' corrective action within past 12 months from posting close date
- Hourly Performance Evaluation Requirement: Minimum rating of 75 points on all performance evaluations within past 12 months

Personal Information

About Your Current Role

Additional Information

Please write why you feel you should be selected for the position and why you want to serve in this capacity.

What are your most significant accomplishments at KMMG (list 2-3)?

Upload Your Resume

Upload your resume if you have not already done so.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 4MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 4MB.

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I would like to be considered for a salaried position with KMMG. I understand that selections/promotions are based on merit and that consideration is given to demonstrated ability, demonstrated reliability, training and additional qualifications for the position.

I understand that if I am selected/promoted for the position this could be a move from a hourly to salaried position or a lateral move. I also understand that if I'm selected and I accept the position there is not an option to go back to my current position.

I hereby certify that the entries on this form and any other statements made by me to KMMG in connection with my application for another position are true and correct in all respects.  I understand that any omissions or misstatements are grounds for non-selection.

I have read and understand the information above.

Candidate Sign Off

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date.

Application Review