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To create a job alert follow these steps: Click the Job Search button in the upper right corner > Enter CBO in the Title field > Click the Search Button to show results > Click the Save button next to the Set Job Alert Box > Enter your email address > Click the Submit button

If you are a person with a disability who would like to request an accommodation or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Employment Requirements: Individuals who accept an offer of employment with CBO will be required to successfully complete a background investigation. Individuals whose salaries exceed a certain amount will also be required to complete a financial disclosure statement annually. In addition, CBO employees are subject to the Ethics Rules of the House of Representatives as well as CBO's own rules.

CBO participates in E-Verify, which is a program under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that enables employers to verify employment eligibility of all their newly hired employees, regardless of citizenship.

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