Social Impact is a global development management consulting firm. We provide monitoring, evaluation, strategic planning and capacity building services to advance development effectiveness.

Team Lead & Senior Education Expert, WB/GPE MEL Capacity Development & Technical Advisory Services to the MOE of Kenya
Employment Duration Consultancy
Job Category Proposal
Location Kenya
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Social Impact has been contracted by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the World Bank (WB) to provide monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) technical capacity strengthening support to assist partner countries to successfully undertake mid-term reviews (MTRs) of their GPE compact priority reform. The technical team who will carry out this contract will provide the following services:  

Phase I. Conduct a needs assessment, prepare an implementation plan, provide technical assistance to the Ministry and key stakeholders to collaboratively produce five compact MEL framework planning documents designed to create the foundation for the MTR, which includes refined theory of change (TOC), revised results framework (RF) - including detailed indicator review, mapping data sources against compact MEL outcomes, developing plans for data collection, analysis, and reporting - including roles and responsibilities, frequency, etc., preparing a work plan detailing data curation, analysis, and reporting for the compact MTR. Additionally, produce a short feasibility/evidence availability assessment with gaps in compact MEL as related to phase 2 support.  

Phase II. Prepare an MTR Reform Progress Report, including preparing and presenting on the MTR experience. Support will include:  

  1. MTR preparations, which includes supporting data gathering - based on MEL TOC/RF (including enabling factors, top-up triggers, learning assessment data), data analysis, determining and planning appropriate reporting plans (facilitation, visuals, short reports/briefs, etc.)
  2. MTR progress report stakeholder presentations, including preliminary findings presentation - at a meeting organized by government or other country-level partners (could be the MTR event) and second stakeholder presentation of FINAL Reform Progress Report - at a meeting organized by government or other country-level partners.
  3. Draft written reform progress report based on MTR experience. 

Additionally, produce a brief evaluation report on the role and performance of country partners in implementing and monitoring the GPE compact programs.  

Position Description:  

SI is seeking a consultant to serve as a Team Lead (TL) and Senior Education Expert for this activity. The TL will lead the phase I & II tasks detailed above. The candidate must demonstrate a professional familiarity with the Global Partnership for Education, the national education system, the MOE and its leadership, and their history, policies, and current challenges. This is a short-term consultancy with an estimated level of effort (LOE) of 70 days, and a tentative period of performance from September 2024 until October 2025. 

**Candidates based in Kenya are encouraged to apply. Remote candidates with Kenya experience can also be considered**  


  • Ensure all contractual deliverables are produced and submitted by agreed upon deadlines.
  • Manage the technical work of one team member, a local MEL Specialist, assign tasks – including oversee capacity building provided by the MEL Specialist to Ministry staff, and conduct quality assurance of all processes and deliverables.
  • Conduct remote meetings, interviews, and/or focus groups with key stakeholders to understand the current status of the GPE compact and compact MEL frameworks.
  • Review available reports and literature to inform a needs assessment.
  • Lead the production of a needs assessment and implementation plan, detailing the methods and work plan of the services to be rendered.
  • Lead the implementation of the approved plan, provide technical assistance services detailed within the plan, and produce all indicated deliverables per the related work plan.
  • Lead the production of quarterly progress reports for GPE.  
  • Participate in up to two in-person MEL capacity building trips (if remote). 


  • Postgraduate qualification in Government, Public Policy, International Relations, Education, Qualitative or Quantitative Research, or another relevant field.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience conducting social science research, with a preferred focus on strengthening monitoring, evaluation, and learning within education systems. 
  • Knowledge of the national education system, and the Ministry of Education (MOE), its structure, leadership, and bureaucratic systems.
  • Experience designing, leading, and conducting qualitative or quantitative analysis of education data.
  • Experience working with the WB, GPE, and/or MOEs
  • Any previous work experience with the World Bank must be disclosed
  • Written and oral fluency in English required. 
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