Career opportunities

Chinese Speaking Intern

If you are a returning candidate (you already have applied for a job via our career page) please log in using the button on the top right Login Page.
If you are applying for one of our jobs for the first time please complete these steps/stages. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. 

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile.

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the Login button.

By submitting this form, you consent to the use of your personal data for recruitment services by Constance Hospitality Management Ltd and by the specific Constance properties you selected in your application. Access to your data is limited to authorised persons of the aforementioned properties. 

Your personal data will be stored in the Taleo Recruitment system. You can access, update or rectify these data at any time using your login details. You can also withdraw consent by sending us an email (mentioning "Taleo Removal" as subject) at . We may require proof of identity before acting on your request. 

We invite you to read further on how we collect, process and use personal data transmitted to us, through our Privacy Policy accessible below.

I agree to Privacy Statement

Save Time

Use your CV/resume to fill in many of the fields on this application form.

Personal Information

Additional Information

Work Location Preference

Check/Uncheck All

Upload Your Resume

Upload your cv/resume if you have not already done so. Alternatively you can type or copy and paste your cv/resume into the text field below.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 10 MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10 MB.

Toggle Accordion
Add Resume

Cover Letter

Briefly explain what makes you the ideal candidate for this position.
And, please describe a situation in which you have improved the quality of customer service at your hotel/business.


Upload any additional attachments.
Note: You can attach a total of up to 10 MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10 MB.

Add Attachment

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date. By submitting this application, I authorise Constance Hospitality Management Ltd, its designated agents and representatives, to contact my References for background checks (Reference Information). I agree to release from any liability, all persons and companies providing the Reference Information. I understand and acknowledge that any offer of employment is conditional upon Constance Hospitality and Management being completely satisfied with the Reference Information.
(You need to fill in your name and today's date in the two fields below.)

Candidate Sign Off

Application Review